Friday, May 29, 2009


I'm in the middle of re-reading one of my favorite books---"The 4:8 Principle" by Tommy Newberry, which is all about the transforming power of the scripture Philippians 4:8.

On page 51 is a reminder of a key concept I need to remember as I work to progress in my weight loss journey.

It says----

"Because your self-image is wired to your short-term emotional appetite, you will hardly ever feel like acting in a manner inconsistent with this self-image set point. However, there is a solution: You can override past negative programming by deliberately choosing new behaviors that line up with your God-given potential, whether you feel like it or not."

I cannot tell you how many times I have NOT exercised because I didn't FEEL like it. I didn't eat something healthy because I didn't FEEL like it. I didn't go walking because I didn't FEEL like it.

If you are doing something drastically different and changing habits, you are rarely going to FEEL like doing it. It's different. It isn't what you are used to doing. So you won't FEEL like doing it, because it's different. It goes against the habits you've created for yourself.

I HAVE to remember that in order to make this change in my life. I use this as an excuse all the time. "I just don't FEEL like it right now. I'll do it later." (Or tomorrow)

"Feelings" in this way need to be ignored. In fact, if I don't "feel" like it, then it's probably that much more important that I make sure I DO the better behavior because I will be that much closer to creating the healthy habits I want in my life.

I remember a time many years ago when I didn't FEEL like eating junk food, because it wasn't a habit. I didn't FEEL like eating sweets---it wasn't a habit. I didn't FEEL like sitting on the couch and watching television for hours---it wasn't a habit.

I just need to switch things around again. Make the right choices based on MY VALUES and MY GOALS.

NOT on my "feelings".


  1. Alright, I just came across your blog via another one. First let me commend you on getting out and getting it done. I don't know your whole story...but let me encourage you. This post is correct. I run Ultramarathons and I hear people say, "it's easy for you to go work out. It's easy for you to get up early to run." My response is, "No, it's tough. But I do it regardless. Getting up at 4:00AM to run is as tough for me as it is for you. Running after work at 8:30Pm when I am tire is tough but I do it." Let this encourage you. Nike has pretty much nailed it...JUST DO IT!!!!whether you feel like it or not. I am excited to see what success this year will bring for you.

  2. Thank you Dave!!!

    That is my new mantra---"JUST DO IT!!"

    I appreciate the encouragement!! :-)
