Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Day 3

It's Day 3 of my 30-day challenge and I have stayed away from McSkillet burritos! Actually, the last time I had one was April 29, so I COULD cheat and say this is already Day 7, but I'll start with Monday since that's the day I made the pledge.

I'm doing really great on eating, actually----I think a large part of that is my commitment to stay away from McSkillet burritos. "McSkillet burritos" represents all bad fast food in my mind, so I've actually stayed away from all of it so far!

I'm eating many more fruits and vegetables and I'm having at least one salad per day----I use very little dressing on my salads and even then I use Light Ranch. And I also use fresh spinach as the "leaves" of the salad to make it even more healthy.

I'm also drinking a lot more water!

I have renewed my love for PINEAPPLE, too!!! Pineapple is completely satisfying my craving for something sweet! Typing this is making me want some pineapple. (How does the plural of pineapple work? I'll have to google that.)

So far, so good!! I feel like I'm really getting back on track and---this may seem silly---but my stomach felt flatter this morning! lol I'm sure only in my imagination, but I'll take it!!


  1. It is true that when you confront the trigger, the rest follows.

    I realized I could eat the same foods if I controlled what is in them - salad dressing and salsa would two examples. That way I never feel deprived.

  2. Yeah for you Jennifer! I;m trying to drop 20 now and it's SOO much harder this time than last time post- babies. My baby is 2 and it's been too long since I've felt healthy. Absolutely NO bread for me this month......and that includes the kids breakfast muffins, biscuits and even sandwich slices. I love bread.
