Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Still around

I haven't posted a blog entry in over a month.

You would think being unemployed would give you more time to do all sorts of things you didn't have the time to do before. And, in theory, it does. But it just doesn't always actually work out that way.

It's so easy to get in a rut. It's so easy to isolate yourself.

I knew I liked to be around people, but I'm realizing I have a real NEED to be around people!!! Lots of them. Every single day. For around, say, 8 hours a day.

So I kind of went into a mini-hibernation there for a while. But I can feel myself coming out of it. Honestly, the fitness journey has taken a backseat. I have been more worried about ruts, my emotional health and slipping into a major depression.

I was on the brink. I was in serious danger of really falling down hard for a while there, but I think I'm okay. I think (I hope) the worst is over. I'm getting back up again. And that's what counts.

"It's not how many times you fall. It's how many times you get up."

More posts to come!

Actually, I have made some progress in my health and fitness journey just in the last week! I'll share soon.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you back on here, Jen! Hang in there girl! Much love, Kelle
