Friday, January 1, 2010

Stop the EXCUSES

Wow...another year. Another decade.

My life is far from perfect, but every other area of my life is on a good course. I'm making progress and growing everyday. Every area---but one.

Again, the area that needs the most work (by far) is my health. I am severely overweight and it will kill me if I don't do something about it now. I am 37 years old and need to lose 140 pounds to be at a healthy weight for me. That is a whole other person.

I've been carrying all this extra weight for 7-8 years now.

What is so frustrating is that I KNOW what to do to get it off. I need to get off my ass and MOVE and I need to eat healthy foods in moderation.

Instead of doing what I need to do, you know what I do? I *talk* about making changes (like I'm doing now--I'm very good at that) and I MAKE EXCUSES.


I can't work out today, I'm too busy. I'll workout tomorrow. It's too early. I'm just too tired. I need to spend time with my son. I'll start Monday. I'll go thru the drive-thru one last time. Just one more bite. My work consumes me. I have no clean workout clothes. None of my workout clothes fit. My workout shoes make my feet hurt. It's raining. It might rain today. It's too hot. It's too cold. I will be embarrassed. My favorite show is on TV. I have too much work to catch up on. Once I get caught up at work, I'll start working out. I don't have time to eat healthy. I hate cooking. Eating healthy is too expensive. I'll make my next meal a healthy one.

The list goes on.

Excuses paralyze me. Excuses keep me locked in this prison.

So my 2010 New Year's Resolution: STOP THE EXCUSES.

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