Tuesday, October 6, 2009


The road to health and fitness isn't just about losing weight and counting calories. I want to be HEALTHY. I want to take care of my body and fuel it with good things---not a bunch of crap and chemicals, like I've been doing the last few years.

So in addition to working out and eating better overall, I'm choosing one bad thing at a time to stop digesting. The first one I'm working on is ASPARTAME and all other chemically-produced sugar substitutes.

When I first started using sugar substitutes many years ago, like most people, I thought I was doing a good thing. I was cutting calories, right? That's good for me, right? Wrong.

According to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) aspartame (in products like Equal and most "sugar-free" or "light" food items) has 92 listed side effects including memory loss, nerve cell damage, migraines, reproductive disorders, mental confusion, brain lesions, joint pain, Alzheimer's, bloating, nervous system disorders, hair loss, food cravings and weight gain.

I have been FILLING myself with Aspartame the last few years. Again, I thought I was doing something good. I switched from:

  • Pepsi/Coke to Diet Pepsi/Coke
  • Yogurt to "Light" Yogurt
  • Jello Pudding to "Sugar-Free" Jello Pudding
  • Putting sugar in my iced tea to putting "Equal" (aspartame) in my iced tea
  • Putting sugar in my coffee to putting "Equal" (aspartame) in my coffee
  • Putting sugar in my oatmeal to putting "Equal" (aspartame) in my oatmeal

And the list goes on. I used to buy a 200-pack box of Equal every 3-4 weeks. Used every bit of it each time and would panic when I ran out. I made this total switch about 7 years ago.

Have I lost weight during that time? No. I've gained weight. A lot of it.

Another thing that's happened to me during that time span is that I've been losing my hair. It started in a big way about 2002. I used to have the thickest, most beautiful hair. Suddenly, it was just everywhere. Every time I brushed my hair, it was just all over the place.

I asked my hair stylist about it in 2002, and she said women go thru periods of "shedding" their hair and it would probably stop soon. Well, it didn't. For 7 years, I've been losing hair and couldn't figure out why.

Now, I don't know for sure if the large amounts of aspartame have caused this, but it seems like there could be a correlation there. I'm anxious to see if my hair continues to fall out after a few months of my aspartame-ban.

So yesterday, for the first time, I bought regular yogurt, instead of light yogurt. The regular yogurt is 170 calories, while the light yogurt is around 100 calories.

It seems counter-intuitive to go UP in calories to be more healthy, but it's not just about weight loss. It's about my overall health and TAKING CARE of my body.

The diet pepsi/coke is going to be the hardest one to get rid of. It may take me a few weeks. But I can do it.

So my October challenge---GET RID OF ASPARTAME!!


  1. Let me know how this works for you - I have been drinking Diet Mountain Dew for a LONG TIME!

    Yes - I am addicted!

  2. Good for you! I am glad you are doing this! I have always stayed away from aspartame from the beginning. I new it was bad for me--I have PKU (variant), so those warnings on the labels, they're for me! They should have warnings for everyone!

    I am pulling for you! You can do it!
