This morning I decided I needed to get some coffee.
Since I've been out of work, I have developed some lazy habits. I still get up early every morning to take my son to school, however, when I come home, if I don't have something very specific and scheduled to do right away, some days I will lay back down and sleep until 11 or noon!!
Not productive.
So I've been trying to keep myself up and awake when I get home.
This morning, after I dropped my son off at school, I was feeling like I wanted to crawl back into bed. Very sleepy. So I thought I needed some coffee----that would keep me up, especially since I don't normally drink coffee.
Where is my favorite place to get caffeine in a cup? McDonald's. I knew it was risky for me to go there---with my McSkillet Burrito addiction/ban and all---but I thought I could handle it and ONLY get coffee in the drive-thru.
I pull into the McDonald's parking lot---go a few feet---and BAM!!! I get hit by an old man driving an SUV!!! He backed right into me as I was LAYING on my horn trying to get him to stop!!
Front bumper bent. Front right headlight busted.
I get it. I hear it loud and clear.
Stay out of the McDonald's parking lot!!!!