I went to the Biggest Loser casting on Saturday and had a very interesting experience! I'm so happy I went!
I did not get a callback. Honestly, once I got there and got to know some of the people, I knew I wasn't getting a callback. There were people there with AMAZING, heartbreaking stories. I kept thinking, "Wow! I don't have a chance against these people! I'm just fat!!"
But it was very beneficial for me to be there. I saw all these very overweight people pouring out their hearts about how their weight affects their lives and how miserable they are. They all said they were ready to work hard and make the change now.
But in the next breath, they talked about how they've tried out for every season for the last several years. So were they really "ready" to make the change every year?
I don't know. There's just something really unsettling to me about that. I do NOT want to be one of those people who try out year after year and say I'm "ready" for a change because my life is so miserable, but wait around on a reality show to make that change for me.
We do have control over what we put in our mouths and how often we move our bodies. I know it's hard and it's not convenient. But most of us do have control and we CAN do it on our own. We don't NEED the Biggest Loser for us to lose this weight and improve our lives.
So if I'm really READY to make this change, then I won't be eligible to try out next year because I will have made the change myself. Now it won't happen as fast as being on a reality show where I can work out 8 hours a day and not be tempted by McDonalds and Taco Bell.
But I CAN do it. It IS under my control.
I'm fat because I eat bad foods. I'm fat because I eat more food than my body needs. I'm fat because I don't exercise as much as I can. I'm fat because I watch too much television.
It has nothing to do with whether I've been cast on a reality television show.
I can do this.
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